Conference Proceedings of IGS2016 are online.
Invited and public presentations are online.
Presentations of IGS2016 Summer School are online.
Awards of IGS2016 are online.
The International Geometry Summit 2016 (IGS2016) is a joint event and co-location of the major conferences in applied geometry:
- Symposium on Geometry Processing (SGP)
- Shape Modeling International (SMI)
- Solid and Physical Modeling (SPM)
For the first time, the prominent international conferences SGP, SMI and SPM will join forces and showcase the breadth and the impact of applied geometry. The summit will combine the presentations from all three conferences as well as the perspectives of renowned invited speakers into one coherent program. Activities that are open to the general public will attract a broad audience and increase awareness for the importance of research in applied geometry. Attendees enjoy all of this for a single registration to the summit.
In addition, the IGS summer school will be offered for excellent younger researchers (registration for the summer school is extra).
The overall conference program is also carefully aligned with the related conferences "Geometric Modeling and Processing" (GMP) and "Curves and Surfaces" (C&S).
Call for papers are handled by the individual conferences. Looking forward to seeing you in Berlin at the Geometry Summit.
Further Informations and FAQ
- IGS2016 Conference Program: IGS2016_conference-program.pdf
- IGS2016 Conference Poster: IGS2016_conference-poster.pdf
- IGS2016 Public Lectures Flyer: IGS2016_public-lectures.pdf
- IGS2016 Summer School Flyer: IGS2016_summerschool.pdf